Monday, July 15, 2024




I believe the first method of improving ourself is by erasing the people from our life that brings only trouble, problems, doubts and pain. I am slowly eliminating one by one. I don't need all that toxicity in my life. 

It's really better to be alone than to surround ourself with all those unworthy people whose contribution into our life is only to pull us down to their level or state of mind.  Because like crabs, they don't care about us. They are using us, stepping over us to get ahead or to achieve what they need through us. They are not happy about themselves and so they are also not happy about us, for us and definitely they are not happy with our progress.

So it is not loneliness, it is peacefulness. It is a reward for just being with yourself, free from envious, cunning people. Go and flourish! 

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